Hello! I am Rachel, head instructor and owner of Rachel Janes Fitness. I started my Jungle body journey six years ago, I was hooked after my very first class a friend dragged me along to. 

Immediately I started to attend classes all over Perth two to three times a week and very quickly noticed the benefits.

The Jungle body workout has helped me to reduce stress & anxiety, build strength, gain confidence and make new friends!Dance fitness really helps to bring me back into the present moment and the after class high lasts for days (if you know, YOU KNOW!)

I took the plunge to become an instructor in 2019 and now run my own class in Osborne Park.It has always been my dream to run my own business and it’s the best decision I’ve made to date.

I created Rachel Jane Fitness as a fun, friendly, inclusive class where every”body” can feel comfortable to workout.

My main goal put simply is to help people in the same way The Jungle Body workout has helped me.

I want to help you to fall in love with exercise, reduce feelings of stress & anxiety through movement and to feel confident in your own skin.

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